Authored by Steve Watson via,
This is a corker.
Politico is reporting that Biden Administration bureaucrats are depressed because they can’t find new jobs, and members of Biden’s “national security team” are “frantically” scrambling to find new careers before Trump dismantles the deep state.
“Our side is just battling depression while we update our resumes,” one White House official stated, while another staffer declared that “Everyone is willing to take a demotion because there aren’t enough jobs.”
Boo hoo. Cry harder.
While the higher ups are all abandoning ship for Defence contractors, think tanks and consulting firms, the lower level dogsbody bureaucrats are whinging that they face taking “unglamorous jobs” with pay cuts.
“There’s a lot of good career people here who went through the first Trump administration and are saying, ‘Can I really go through that again?’” said one Biden appointee at the State Department.
Oh my God, the hardship of having someone you don’t agree with running things.
“It’s going to be very saturated and crowded and so beggars can’t be choosers, I guess,” said another Biden State Department appointee, adding “The crazy thing is none of these jobs we’re desperate to get are particularly glamorous, unless you want to go lobby for some autocratic foreign governments.”
The world’s tiniest violin is playing for them.
Politico notes that “Wherever they land, a wave of Democratic national security and foreign policy staffers will continue the tradition of patiently treading water for four years until, just maybe, a Democrat can win the presidency again in 2028.”
Yeah. Maybe learn to tread water a lot longer.
Or perhaps learn to code.
They could emigrate to the countries they funded and got a piece of the cut.
Go live the good life in Ukraine, Hamas territory, Lebanon, Iran, maybe in Syria too…
And there is more…you know where that is.— Thoughtful Simplicity (@Thoughtful1948) December 17, 2024
Welcome to the real world, losers.
I’ve been struggling to find jobs my whole life. Given their set of circumstances (if that doesn’t include criminality) they will be fine.
— Amy Thomas (@AmyThomas376828) December 16, 2024
Get to the back of the line.
And this is concerning to the average American who has been funding many Gov’t workers sucking off of our teets while we struggle to pay our bills. We’re depressed too!
— Melissa Merrill (@M2andCo) December 16, 2024
Trump is going to provide a lot of opportunities for you.
I have heard that things will be opening up in construction and lawn care ….
— plasmatorch (@plasmatorchmex) December 17, 2024
Maybe just don’t mention your last job on your resumé.
No one wants to employ crazy people who fight to destroy the country from within.
— Bubbly Bubba (@BubblyBubba28) December 17, 2024
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