Here’s a fact check that ABC’s eager debate moderators missed Tuesday night: Of the two candidates on stage, Donald Trump is the abortion moderate. This is easy not to notice, amid the rapid-fire competing claims, but it’s true.
Mr. Trump bragged about his role in ending Roe v. Wade, which protected abortion access through fetal viability, or about six months into pregnancy (23 or 24 weeks). Yet he also has repeatedly criticized Florida’s law restricting abortions at six weeks. “Six weeks is too short,” he recently said. “I’ve told them that I want more weeks.”
Broadly speaking, this is in step with public opinion. Look at Gallup’s 2023 numbers: 69% of Americans want abortion “generally legal” in the first three months. In the second three months, however, only 37% agree; 55% say abortion should be “generally illegal,” and that includes 52% of women.
Mr. Trump’s view is that abortion is now a question for the voters of each state to decide. Ms. Harris claimed Tuesday that he’s raring to sign a national abortion ban. “It’s a lie,” Mr. Trump replied. “I’m not signing a ban.” Asked if he’d veto one, he said he wouldn’t have to, suggesting it could never pass Congress.
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