‘Billionaire Oligarchs’ Want to ‘Bring Everybody In’ Since They ‘Love Cheap Foreign Labor’, Trump’s Base ‘Nativist’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said that “billionaire oligarchs like Elon Musk” are people who “love cheap foreign labor and say, let’s open the doors and bring everybody in.” And he thinks Democrats will be able to exploit that division within President-Elect Donald Trump’s coalition between people like him and those in the “nativist” base who disagree with Musk.

Raskin stated, “I do think that we’re going to be able to exploit these growing contradictions within the MAGA coalition, especially since Donald Trump cares less and less. So, you’ve got the inflamed, nativist, anti-immigration MAGA base versus the billionaire oligarchs like Elon Musk who love cheap foreign labor and say, let’s open the doors and bring everybody in.”

He continued, “You’ve got people like Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), the theocratic, anti-choice right who call abortion murder and have pushed for federal legislation banning abortion, like Johnson’s life begins at conception act versus those libertarian corporate CEOs whose employees are freaking out about all the anti-abortion laws that exist in half of the country. So, you can see, already, things beginning to come apart at the seams for them.”

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