The funny people touring this season are an appealing mix of young comedy newcomers and seasoned veterans. Including live podcast shows and more traditional stand-up, these eight tours are sure to keep you laughing all autumn long.
Hannah Berner and Paige DeSorbo
Hannah Berner and Paige DeSorbo’s popular “Giggly Squad” podcast is currently on a live tour across the U.S. These thirty-something pals first rose to fame on Bravo reality TV show “Summer House” but have since become names in their own right: DeSorbo as a fashionista and Berner as a stand-up with a newly released Netflix special, “We Ride at Dawn.” Millennial and Gen Z women are particularly drawn to their wry, casual conversation style, as the besties chat about pop culture, relationships and trauma. “The Giggly Squad” Tour dates are ongoing through January.
Brett Goldstein
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