AJMC® in the Press, March 21, 2025

An article from Forbes referenced a study published in the July 2022 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). The study, “Projected US Savings From Biosimilars, 2021-2025,” projected that biosimilars would save $38.4 million vs conditions from 2021 to 2025, with savings reaching $124.5 billion in an upper-bound scenario.

An article from The Heartland Institute highlighted a study published in the December 2012 issue of AJMC. The study, “Personalized Preventive Care Leads to Significant Reductions in Hospital Utilization,” found that the MDVIP model of preventive care encouraged proactive action from physicians rather than reactive care, which ultimately lead to lower health care costs and hospital utilization.

A commentary titled “Financial Crossroads of Care: Physicians’ Struggle and Patient Outcomes,” published in the July 2024 issue of AJMC, was referenced in an article from Physician’s Weekly. The commentary emphasized the financial challenges faced by physicians due to declining reimbursement rates from Medicare and high student loan interest rates, which will affect access and delivery of health care.

A piece by Benefits Pro, cited an August 2024 article published in Population Health, Equity & Outcomes, a sister publication of AJMC. The article, “Rising Costs Lead Insurers to Drop Weight Loss Drug Coverage, Further Increasing Patient Burden,” reported on the effect of insurers dropping coverage of costly weight-loss drugs, specifically glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists, and how it will affect out-of-pocket costs for patients.

Articles from Becker’s ASC Review referenced articles published on AJMC.com, the website of AJMC. The original articles from AJMC, “Updated Guidelines Refine Best Practices for Colonoscopy Bowel Prep,” and “Supreme Court Case Could Threaten Free Colorectal Cancer Screenings,” focused on new guidelines surrounding colonoscopies and how screening in general may be threatened by a new Supreme Court case.

An article from HIT Consultant referenced an article published on AJMC.com. The article, “US Health Care System Ranks Last Overall Among Other High-Income Countries,” reported on findings that found that the US was underperforming in their health care despite their high spending, with notable issues in insurance coverage, equity, and primary care.

An article from AJMC.com, “House Passes Budget Resolution Cutting Billions From Medicaid Funding,” was referenced in a Letter to the Editor in the Cape Gazette. The piece reported on the outcome of the House vote for the Republican-led budget, which would effectively eliminate $880 billion from the House and Energy Commerce Committee, which oversees Medicaid.

An AJMC.com news piece, “US Has Highest Infant, Maternal Mortality Rates Despite the Most Health Care Spending,” was referenced in an article from Spectrum News. The article from AJMC reported on findings that the US had the highest infant and maternal mortality rates when compared with other high-income countries while spending the most on health care.

An article from Cleveland Clinic referenced an article published on AJMC.com. The article, “SMA Associated With Metabolic, Nutritional issues,” wrote on findings that analyzed metabolic and nutritional issues in patients with spinal muscular atrophy, with notable issues including lipid metabolic abnormalities and altered vitamin levels.

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