A Hundred Year Old Solid State Amplifier

Conventional wisdom has it that the solid state era in electronics began in 1948 with the invention of the transistor, or if you wish to split hairs, with the 1930s invention by the Russian [Oleg Losev] of an early form of tunnel diode. But there’s an earlier amplifier technology that used a solid state circuit which is largely forgotten, and [AWA Communication Technologies Museum] has featured it in a new video. We’re talking of course about the carbon microphone amplifier, a piece of telephone technology which made its way into consumer electronics.

The carbon microphone is a container of loosely packed carbon granules acted upon by a diaphragm. Vibrations from sound compress and decompress the granules, changing the electrical resistance of the carbon. It was the standard microphone used in telephone handsets for most of the twentieth century. Being a resistor it can be placed in a potential divider circuit that produces some significant voltage swings, so when the vibrations come from a high-impedance earpiece it can make an amplifier. It’s not a very good amplifier, it has lousy bandwidth, distortion, and noise characteristics, but it was just about good enough to be paired with a 1920s crystal set. In the video below the break we see a variety of the devices, and even hear them in action sounding very tinny indeed. At the time it must have seemed miraculous to be at the forefront of the new technology though, and we can’t help admiring some of the construction intricacies.

Carbon microphone amplifiers may be rare today, but for all that we’ve touched on them before.

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